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How to add a "Save for later" button to shopping cart?

In an ever-competitive online marketplace, it's essential to provide your customers with a seamless and engaging shopping experience. A key feature that can enhance this experience is the "Save for Later" option, enabling shoppers to move items from their shopping cart to a wishlist for future purchase. This article will guide you on how to integrate this feature into your shopping cart using the Pasilobus Wishlist App.

Step 1: Creating a "Save for Later" Button

The first step is to create a "Save for Later" button on your shopping cart page. You can place this button near each product in the cart according to your preference. The code can also be added to cart drawers if your Shopify theme includes this feature.

Below is an example of the HTML structure for the button:

 <button class="wishlist-btn" data-product-id="" data-customer-id="" data-variant-id="" data-success-text="Saved for later">Save for Later</button>

In this example, `` and `` should be replaced with the variables that output the unique IDs of the product and its variant. The button should provide those IDs as `data-product-id` and `data-variant-id` attributes.

Also, note the addition of the **`data-added-text`** attribute. This attribute changes the text of the button once the item is added to the wishlist. For instance, after clicking the "Save for Later" button, the text will change to "Saved for Later".

👉 Ensure that the button has the "wishlist-btn" class for the Pasilobus Wishlist App to recognize it.

Step 2: Enabling the "Save for Later" Functionality

You don't need to add any custom JavaScript for the "Save for Later" buttons. Once you've implemented the button with the correct class and data attributes, and the Pasilobus Wishlist App is active, the app will handle the rest.

When a customer clicks on the "Save for Later" button, the app will automatically add the product to the customer's wishlist and remove it from the cart.

Step 3: Testing the Functionality

After implementing the "Save for Later" button, it's crucial to conduct thorough testing. Add products to the cart, click the "Save for Later" button, and confirm that the items are correctly moved from the shopping cart to the wishlist.

Keep in mind that while the Pasilobus Wishlist App is designed to handle the "Save for Later" function with minimal coding required on your part, you may still need to make modifications based on your specific theme and cart system. Any changes you make to your website should be done cautiously to avoid impacting your website's performance negatively. If you are unsure about making these changes, consider seeking help from a professional.

By integrating the "Save for Later" function, you will enhance the shopping experience for your customers, potentially increasing engagement and boosting future sales. Always remember to test new features or modifications extensively before making them live on your site.