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Custom Fields and Filters

If you'd like to customize your Pasilobus Store Locator further by adding custom fields to each location or incorporating filters to make store searches more refined, this guide is for you. With custom fields, you can provide additional information about each store, such as unique offerings or services. Filters allow users to narrow down their search based on specific criteria.

Adding Custom Fields

Custom fields are beneficial when you want to add unique attributes to each store. For instance, if you want to indicate which stores have wheelchair accessibility or offer free Wi-Fi.

Step 1: Access the Custom Fields table

1. Log into your **Shopify dashboard**.
2. Go to the "Apps" section and click on the "Pasilobus Store Locator" app.
3. Navigate to the "Fields & Filters" or similar section in the app dashboard.

![Fields & Filters](

Step 2: Add a New Custom Field

1. Look for an button named "Create", or something similar.
3. Fill in:
   * **Field Name**: The name of the custom attribute (e.g., "Wheelchair Accessible").
   * **Field Type**: Choose the type (Text or Link).

![Custom Field](

Step 3: Save  

1. Once you've added your desired custom fields, click "Save" or "Submit"

Step 4: Review Location Data

1. The new field will now appear in your location forms.  
2. Review your store entries to ensure the fields appear correctly, and fill them out as needed.

Adding Custom Filter

Filters provide a way for users to narrow their search based on specific store attributes or custom fields.

Step 1: Navigate to the Filter Settings

1. In the "Pasilobus Store Locator" dashboard, look for a section labeled "Fields & Filters",  something similar.
2. Click on it to access filter management.

![Fields & Filters](

Step 2: Set Up New Filters

1. Click on "Create".
2. Define your filter based on available attributes or custom fields. For instance:
   * **Name**: "Wifi"
   * **Type**: Select "Filter"

Step 3: Activation and Testing

1. After setting up the filters, activate them or ensure they're set to "Visible".
2. The new filter will now appear in your location forms.  


3. Review your store entries to ensure the fields appear correctly, and fill them out as needed.
4. Test filters on your store locator map

![Filters on Store Locator](