Combined Listings

Connect separate products as variants, offer a unified shopping experience with more options


Combined Listings allows you to link separate products and display them as variants, giving customers a more unified and flexible shopping experience. Ideal for stores offering variations like colors or styles as individual products, Combined Listings helps you manage and showcase these options more effectively. Whether you want to highlight distinct variants on collection pages or provide customers with a simplified way to find exactly what they’re looking for, Combined Listings makes it easy to manage and display product options.

  • Link Separate Products as Variants

    Seamlessly connect individual products as variants, giving customers a unified shopping experience and simplifying product management.

  • Display Variants Individually

    Show product variants like color or style as individual items on collection pages, allowing customers to find the exact option they want with ease.

  • Flexible Variant Presentation

    Customize how product variants are displayed to fit your store’s unique layout, offering a more intuitive browsing experience.

  • Manage Color Swatches and Variations

    Easily manage color swatches and other product variations, making it simple to highlight multiple options for customers to choose from.

  • Simplified Product Management

    Streamline your workflow by managing all your product variants from one place, reducing time spent updating and organizing your catalog.

  • Seamless Shopify Integration

    Integrates effortlessly into your Shopify store, ensuring a smooth setup and easy maintenance for hassle-free variant management.