
Optimizing your store for accessibility goes beyond compliance—it's about offering a welcoming, user-friendly platform for all customers.

  • 📚 Accessibility Audit

    We begin by performing a full audit of your Shopify store, assessing how well it complies with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) and identifying areas for improvement. We look at your store’s layout, navigation, content, and usability to ensure it meets accessibility standards.

  • ✏️ Alt Text Optimization for Images

    We ensure that all images across your site are optimized with descriptive alt text, helping visually impaired customers use screen readers to understand the context of your products and content.

  • ⌨️ Keyboard Navigation Enhancements

    Many users rely on keyboard navigation instead of a mouse. We ensure your store is fully navigable by keyboard, improving the experience for customers with motor disabilities.

  • 🖍 Color Contrast and Text Readability

    We analyze and adjust the color contrast and text size on your site to ensure readability for all users, including those with visual impairments. This helps prevent difficulties in reading and navigating your store.

  • 🔉 Screen Reader Compatibility

    We optimize your Shopify store to work seamlessly with screen readers, ensuring that all content, including product descriptions, menus, and checkout processes, can be easily accessed and understood by visually impaired users.

  • 🛒 Form and Checkout Accessibility

    We ensure that all forms, including your checkout process, are optimized for accessibility. This includes adding labels, clear instructions, and error messaging to help all users complete forms and purchases without confusion.

Case Study: Making a Home Goods Store Accessible for All Users

Client: A Shopify store specializing in home goods and decor.

Challenge: The store had a growing customer base but received complaints from users with disabilities about navigation difficulties and issues with screen readers. The client needed to ensure their site was fully accessible to all visitors while maintaining the brand’s visual aesthetic.

What We Did:

  • Accessibility Audit and Fixes
  • Screen Reader Optimization
  • Form and Checkout Improvements
  • 30% increase in customer satisfaction from users with disabilities, reflected in customer feedback and reviews.

  • Higher conversion rates as more users were able to complete purchases without navigation or accessibility barriers.

  • Improved brand reputation, with customers recognizing the store’s commitment to inclusivity.

Ready to Make Your Store Accessible?

Create a more inclusive shopping experience with our Accessibility service. Our team is here to help you ensure that everyone can easily navigate and shop at your store.